
WE0013 E


Der Uhu des Ihi

CD 1

Tree’s Take
2 Jabeau
3 Bowl
4 Auf der Rückfahrt von Donaueschingen
5 Recht & Seele. Ein Divertimento
6 Der Uhu des Ihi
7 Variations pur une porte

CD 2

1 Das Pferd frisst keinen Gurkensalat
2 Auf dem Granatbaum
3 Herrenetage

Bernd Leukert _ musique concrète, field recordings, intuitive composing and acousmatics


"Leukert brings back intuition into the computer-mechanical techniques of contemporary classical music. His compositions derive from the hearing experience - he has become a David Lynch for the ‘cinema pour l’oreille’, who is operating with the ironically associative scepticism of Godard. A blessing that MARIA DE ALVEAR’s small label ‘World Edition’ now produced eight of Leukert’s audio pieces on CD; among them the enchanting trilogy Wildwechsel" .
(Alban Nikolai Herbst)

CD #0013 double-CD

bernd leukert :
der uhu des ihi



from €24.00